
Dr.K.Palani Kumar ,Principal have received Prof. K.Arumugam National Award for Innovative work in Engineering and Technology at ISTE Annual Convention on 19.03.2019 at Belgaum Karnataka from the Vice Chancellor, Visvesvaraya Technological University

Best principal Award from The Society for Educational and Enterprenuership Development (SEED)Sep'2017
Publons peer review Awards 2017, as one of the top 1% of peer reviewers in Engineering.Sep'2017
Certified Sentinel of Science Award Recipient As one of the Top 10 percent of Researchers Contributing to the peer review of the field of EngineeringAug' 2016
Outstanding Reviewer Award from Elsevier Journal Measurement In cooperation with International Measurement ConfederationAug' 2016
Maharashtra State National Award for Best Research work in Engineering and Technology for the Year 2013 by Indian Society for Technical EducationDec'2013
Special paper presentation by National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi.Mar'2014
Best Researcher Award, Association of Scientist, Developer and FacultiesDec'2013
Received Best paper award from YMCA University, FaridabadDec'2012
Best Faculty Award from Nehru Group of InstitutionsSep'2012